Bell & Gossett VSX-VSC Double Suction Split Case Pumps

Bell & Gossett’s VSX Pumps for Better Optimization of Your Industrial Hydraulic Needs

When it comes to machinery, even if the design has a small flaw, the machinery and everything connected to it might just stop working. Centrifugal Pumps have been central to development of industries since the emergence of modern mechanics. Split Casing Centrifugal pumps are the most commonly used pumps on the market, as they are highly efficient, when it comes to transferring liquids over a wide range of flows and pressures. Normally, for industrial uses there are two basic types of inline centrifugal pumps. Vertical Split Casing and Horizontal Split Casing. If you are providing services related to chiller, cooling towers and general pumping mechanisms. Since its inception vertical and horizontal split pumps have been very important for making sure that your hydraulic systems function properly. Like any new innovation, the main reason for the popularity of split pumps was its design, which over a period of time became obsolete. With increasing demand in change of a design of split pumps, Bell & Gossett made many revolutionary changes to the VSX platform design.

VSC vs. HSC Centrifugal Pumps

In a horizontal centrifugal pump, the shafts or inline outlets are normally placed on a horizontal position. In some of the models it has also been known to be overhung or placed between bearing design. On the other hand a vertical centrifugal pump is a kind of pump which has vertically positioned shafts. When it comes to making a choice between horizontal and vertical inline centrifugal pump, the first and foremost thing, which one should keep in mind is the kind of convenience they are looking to have.


Pros of Vertical Split Casing Pumps

1.It covers smaller area than that of horizontal pumps

2.It is suitable for spaces where the ground surface area is restricted.

3.If you are using Vertical centrifugal pumps Net Positive Suction Head can be increased.

4.These pumps are suitable for higher temperature and high pressure fluids

Cons of Vertical Split Casing Pumps

1.They require a larger headroom for installation and maintenance.

2.Such pumps can be used when directly coupled with an electric motor. With types of drivers like engine or turbine are used, vertical centrifugal pumps will not be the perfect choice for your industry.

3.One of the major flaws of this design is overhanging nature; it becomes difficult to balance the hydraulic axial thrust mostly while dealing with pressures of high suction.

4.A multistage vertical inline pump would normally require expensive barrel and pit.

5.Such kind of pumps are prone to having various issues related to its mechanical seals when it has to pump liquids with high dissolved gases in the mix.

Reasons why you can Trust our VSX designs by Bell & Gossett

Revolutionary Design

The improvements made Bell & Gossett in VSX platform of horizontal split pumps allows you to take care of all your hydraulic needs. Let it be any kind of a hydraulic system that you are using for your chillers and other mechanisms, all you have to do is ascertain on what kind of suction you require and select from the three verities that we offer our consumers. The highly efficient VSX hydraulic design and the robust engineering that has went into creating it, ensures that the horizontal spilt pump performs reliably, and the unique revolutionary design provides a lot of ease while installing it in your factory.

Space Saving

When we came up with this revolutionary design of VSX platform of split pumps, the only thought that we had in our minds was how to make its design more efficient, so that it could you provide you with enhanced fluid velocity. To come up with a design that suits your hydraulics needs well, we matched the best efficiency points (BEP) to common chiller and tower sizes, and normal industrially-specified flows and head conditions. After carefully analyzing the data that we collected, we came up with a design, which would provide you with better service. With the new improvements made on the, VSX platform, we reduced the space that was covered up by the earlier and the more primitive designs.

The earlier pumps relied on the engineer’s experience, the new Bell & Gossett VSX pumps, have been designed after carefully analyzing it by the CFD or Computational Fluid Dynamics. This new and innovative method of testing the flow and fluid pressure, allowed the engineers to test out various designs, before they finally decided upon the best alternatives among them.

Multiple Suctions and Flange orientations

A double-suction split case pump is a more balanced improvement upon its predecessors, i.e. the single suction pumps. The VSX design of the split casing pumps because of its two-sided innovative design of the impellers, manages to balance the very axial thrust, which is imposed upon the impellers, which is then transmitted to pump bearings from a shaft. Bell & Gossett’s revolution design, places the flanges in such a way that is placed directly under the overhead pipes. The solid design is capable of bearing heavy loads on it, flanges, without causing any problems for the pumps function. The unique placement of the outlets on top of the basic structure, allows the pump to consume less space when compared to the split casing VSC design pumps that were being used earlier.

Easy Installation

The ease of installation provided by the new VSX based pumps have been because of the placement of suction inlets on the horizontal plane. The VSX pump optimizes the advantages of vertical piping applications by eliminating the space-robbing elbows, protruding accessories and pipe supports that were a part of the VSC design pumps. From the very beginning Bell & Gossett’s efforts directed towards streamlining the design of its pumps and ensuring that our machinery serves you on every occasion you need them to perform.

Service & Support.

Not only do we provide with innovative products that can simply the entire way your hydraulic system works, Bell & Gossett also provides you with top of the line after installation service. If you are facing any kind of issues, with our pumps. All you have to do call our local office in your area and it would not be long before an expert professional from our firm will be at your place of operations, to check out what all things need to be sorted out. Even before you have selected a pump for your needs all you have to do is feed in your requirements in Bell & Gossett’s award ESP-Plus product selection tool and it will tell you, in no time about what kind of pump do you require in your place of operations. Bell & Gossett pumps have been the go to pump for decades. Give us a call for more information.

21st Jun 2017 Jennifer

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