How Important Is The Bell & Gossett Expansion Tank

How Important Is The Bell & Gossett Expansion Tank

Bell & Gossett expansion tanks are an important component in any hydronic heating or cooling system. These tanks are designed to absorb and store the thermal expansion of water that occurs when it is heated. The primary duty of an expansion tank is to maintain the proper pressure in the system and to protect it from damage caused by excessive pressure.

The first primary duty of an expansion tank is to absorb the thermal expansion of water as it is heated. When water is heated, it expands, and this expansion can cause the pressure in the system to increase. The expansion tank is designed to absorb this expansion, so the pressure in the system remains stable. This helps to protect the system from damage caused by excessive pressure, such as leaks or bursting pipes.

The second primary duty of an expansion tank is to act as a pressure buffer. The tank is designed to store excess water, so it can be released back into the system as needed. This helps to maintain the proper pressure in the system, and prevents the pressure from getting too high or too low. This is especially important in systems that have a lot of thermal expansion, such as those that use a lot of hot water.

The third primary duty of an expansion tank is to protect the system from thermal shock. Thermal shock occurs when the temperature of the water in the system changes rapidly. When this happens, the water can expand and contract quickly, which can cause damage to the system. The expansion tank is designed to absorb this thermal shock, so the system is protected from damage.

The fourth primary duty of an expansion tank is to protect the system from corrosion. Water that is heated can become corrosive, and this can cause damage to the system over time. The expansion tank is designed to absorb this corrosion, so the system is protected from damage.

In conclusion, Bell & Gossett expansion tanks are an important component in any hydronic heating or cooling system. The primary duties of an expansion tank include absorbing and storing thermal expansion, acting as a pressure buffer, protecting the system from thermal shock, and protecting the system from corrosion. By fulfilling these duties, the expansion tank helps to maintain the proper pressure in the system, and protects it from damage caused by excessive pressure, thermal shock, and corrosion.

20th Feb 2023 CG

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